Toronto Falcons defeated Serbian White Eagles 2-1 in the opener, followed by a 3-1 victory by Unity FC over Hamilton City and in the late game in the Canadian Soccer League at Esther Shiner Stadium Sunday, July 14, Scarborough scored a convincing 5-0 win over Spanish Future Stars.

It was the first defeat in all competition for league-leading Serbian White Eagles following its Royal CSL Cup win followed by three league victories for a 100 per cent start to the new season.

Serbian White Eagles opened the scoring with a goal at the 5th minute mark by Nikola Timotijevic who took a pass from the right wing for a low shot into the net. Toronto Falcons were close to scoring an equalizer when Tsytsyk Roman almost headed into the net, but a save by White Eagles goalkeeper Aleksej Rajsic and had several more chances during the remainder of the first half, It was 1-0 at the break.

The match was suspended for 18 minutes at the 57th minute mark due to a thunderstorm and following the resumption of play Toronto Fa;cons rallied to get back on even terms. Borovskyi Bogdan struck an equalizer for Toronto Falcons at 63 minutes, driving the ball just inside the left post out of reach of Rajsic. Defender Konyk Dmytro then scored the winner with a picture goal at 69 minutes, driving the ball from 40 yards on the left wing to find the roof of the net and out of reach of goalkeeper Rajsic.

Wendell Arauso opened the scoring for Unity FC in the 15th minute, heading in from a corner kick for a 1-0 lead at the break. Hamilton’s Vladimir Radulovic tied the game 1-1 at 60 minutes and Cayo Braz put Unity ahead 2-1 two minutes later. Joao Jesus increased the lead to 3-1 for Unity at 77 minutes, the score at the final whistle.

Devroy Gray opened the scoring at the 4th minute for Scarborough and Mattias Gonzales made it 2-0 at the15 minute mark. Oleksandr Kotsiuba increased the lead to 3-0 at 26 minutes, a drive from outside the box that was deflected inside the post. Gonzales struck his second goal and Scarborough’s 4th at 37 minutes, a drive from 15 yards. Junior Everton took a pass from down the middle to send a low shot from the edge of the box inside the left post.for Scarborough’s fifth goal at 72 minutes, a 5-0 score at the final whistle.

Next games in the Canadian Soccer League are at the Rob Ford Centennial Stadium on Sunday, July 21 at 12 pm for the first game Spanish Future Stars vs. Serbian White Eagles, 2 pm Toronto Falcons vs. Unity FC, 4 pm Hamilton City vs. Scarborough.